Solar panels installation and commisioning

As we all know several cities and towns in India are experiencing a substantial growth in their peak electricity demand. Municipal Corporations and the electricity utilities are finding it difficult to cope with this rapid rise in demand and as a result most of the cities/towns are facing severe electricity shortages.
With an objective to reduce dependency on diesel gensets and other fossil fuels, a scheme to replace them with SPV (Solar PhotoVoltaic Cells) is being proposed. Further, in order to utilize the existing roof space of buildings, the scheme proposes to promote roof-top SPV systems on buildings to replace diesel gensets installed for minimum load requirement for operation during load shedding. These loads are generally varying between 25 kW to few 1000 kW or so.
Contact Sri Vinayaka Electricals for more details on Solar Installation.
Commercial installation consulting

Various industries and commercial establishments e.g. Malls, Hotels, Hospitals, Nursing homes etc housing complexes developed by the builders and developers in cities and towns use diesel generators for back-up power even during the day time. These generators capacities vary from a few kilowatts to a couple of MWs. Generally, in a single establishment more than one generators are installed; one to cater the minimum load required for lighting and computer/ other emergency operations during load shedding and the others for running ACs and other operations such as lifts/ other power applications.
At Sri Vinayaka Electricals we device a Plan for efficient use of Solar Energy for Commercial Establishments. Contact us for more details.
Residential panels installation

We also cater to small scale or residential solar installations, we take utmost care to give the best price and installation support to residential owners.
We have customised Solar Installations for small to Large residential houses or Appartment Complexes
Contact us for more details.